Class: FullScreenMessage


A modal in-app message object which can be passed to appboy.display.showInAppMessage or handled manually. Subscribe to receive new in-app messages via appboy.subscribeToNewInAppMessages()

new FullScreenMessage(message, messageAlignment, extras, campaignId, cardId, triggerId, clickAction, uri, openTarget, dismissType, duration, icon, imageUrl, imageStyle, iconColor, iconBackgroundColor, backgroundColor, textColor, closeButtonColor, animateIn, animateOut, header, headerAlignment, headerTextColor, frameColor, buttons, cropType, orientation)

Name Type Argument Default Description
message string

The message to display to the user.

messageAlignment ab.InAppMessage.TextAlignment <optional>

How to align message text.

extras array <optional>

Array of string/string key/value pairs.

campaignId string <optional>

If the message comes with a campaign, this is the id of the campaign that the SDK will report back to Appboy with in-app message analytics events.

cardId string <optional>

If the message comes with a card, this is the id of the card that the SDK will report back to Appboy with in-app message analytics events.

triggerId string <optional>

The id of the trigger that created this message. The SDK will report back this to Appboy with in-app message analytics events.

clickAction ab.InAppMessage.ClickAction <optional>

Where the user should be brought when clicking on this message.

uri string <optional>

If clickAction is ab.InAppMessage.ClickAction.URI, the URI to follow when the user clicks on this message.

openTarget ab.InAppMessage.OpenTarget <optional>

If clickAction is ab.InAppMessage.ClickAction.URI, whether to open clicks in a new tab/window.

dismissType ab.InAppMessage.DismissType <optional>

How the message is dismissed, via a timer or requiring interaction from the user.

duration integer <optional>

Length of time in milliseconds until auto-dismiss should occur. Only used when dismissType is ab.InAppMessage.DismissType.AUTO_DISMISS

icon string <optional>

A Font Awesome unicode string, e.g. "\uf042" to fa-adjust. See the Font Awesome cheatsheet for details.

imageUrl string <optional>

Url of an image to include in this message. The message will only display an image or an icon, and will prioritize the image if present.

imageStyle ab.InAppMessage.ImageStyle <optional>

Whether the image should be shown as normal on the top of the in-app message or used as the entire content of the message.

iconColor integer <optional>

Color of icon. Hex value with opacity (e.g. 0xff00ff00 is opaque green).

iconBackgroundColor integer <optional>

Background color of icon. Hex value with opacity (e.g. 0xff00ff00 is opaque green).

backgroundColor integer <optional>

Background color of entire message. Hex value with opacity (e.g. 0xff00ff00 is opaque green).

textColor integer <optional>

Text color of message. Hex value with opacity (e.g. 0xff00ff00 is opaque green).

closeButtonColor integer <optional>

Color of close button. Hex value with opacity (e.g. 0xff00ff00 is opaque green).

animateIn boolean <optional>

Whether to animate the showing of this message.

animateOut boolean <optional>

Whether to animate the hiding of this message.

header string <optional>

Header text to display.

headerAlignment ab.InAppMessage.TextAlignment <optional>

How to align header text.

headerTextColor integer <optional>

Color of header text. Hex value with opacity (e.g. 0xff00ff00 is opaque green).

frameColor integer <optional>

Color of the background frame which blocks page interaction while the message is showing.

buttons array <optional>

Array of up to two ab.InAppMessage.Button objects.

cropType ab.InAppMessage.CropType <optional>

How to crop and fit images in the allowable space.

orientation ab.InAppMessage.Orientation <optional>

Whether to lay out this in-app message as a portrait or landscape.




Remove all event subscriptions from this message.

Inherited From:


Remove an event subscription that you previously subscribed to.

Name Type Description
subscriptionGuid string

The identifier of the subscription you wish to remove, returned by the method you initially used to create it.

Inherited From:

subscribeToClickedEvent(subscriber) → {string}

Subscribe to receive click events. The subscriber callback will be called whenever this message is clicked by the user.

Name Type Description
subscriber function

The callback function to receive click events. This function will be invoked with no arguments when this message records a click.

Inherited From:

The identifier of the subscription created. This can be passed to removeSubscription to cancel the subscription.


subscribeToDismissedEvent(subscriber) → {string}

Subscribe to receive dismissed events. The subscriber callback will be called whenever this message is closed by the user, or when it's dismissed automatically (depending on the dismissType).

Name Type Description
subscriber function

The callback function to receive dismissed events. This function will be invoked with no arguments when this message records a dismissal.

Inherited From:

The identifier of the subscription created. This can be passed to removeSubscription to cancel the subscription.
